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Madeco is founded by Mademsa for the manufacturing of products made of copper and its alloys. Originally, the main shareholders are the Simonetti brothers and the Production Development Corporation (Corfo, as per its acronym in Spanish).


Together with the Zecchetto family, the company creates Alusa S.A., which manufactures flexible packaging for mass consumption products.


After acquiring part of the company's shares in 1980 (approx. 33%), the Luksic Group acquires a majority stake and control of the Company.


Madeco acquires Armat S.A., a Chilean company dedicated to the manufacturing of coins and planchets made of copper and alloys.


The Company acquires Indalum S.A., dedicated to the manufacturing of aluminium profiles.


During this year, an agreement is signed with Nexans, a French cable production company. Madeco transfers its assets from the aforementioned unit in Chile, Argentina, Peru, Brazil and Colombia in exchange for 448 million USD in cash and 2.5 million Nexans' shares.


After 16 years in the New York Stock Exchange, the Company begins the process of closing its ADR programme. This is due to the programme's costs and the low participation of the ADRs in the total capital of the Company.


Madeco sells its subsidiary Armat S.A. to the Swiss company Amera International AG.


Madeco reaches 22.41% of the shareholding ownership of Nexans. In November, both companies sign an agreement allowing Invexans to reach up to 28% of ownership in Nexans.


The division of the company into two companies is agreed. The continuing company is renamed “Invexans S.A. ”The investment made in Nexans, part of the existing financial debt and other obligations related to its assets, remains in the continuing company. The subsidiaries Alusa S.A., Madeco Mills S.A. and Indalum S.A., and the rest of the financial debt become part of the new company created as a result of the division.


Invexans increases its stake in Nexans to own 28.97% of its share capital. Moreover, a capital increase of approximately 270 million dollars materialises in order to pay debt incurred when buying Nexans' shares.


Quiñenco made a Public Offer to Acquire Shares, increasing its stake in Invexans to 98.6% of its capital by the end of 2015.


Invexans establishes a subsidiary in the United Kingdom -Invexans Limited- mainly dedicated to the analysis, execution and monitoring of investments internationally. At the end of the year, Nexans' shares were contributed to the aforementioned subsidiary.


Expanding operations in London. From the UK subsidiary, the Invexans UK team actively evaluates business opportunities in the region.


Incorporation of Enex S. A. Empresa Nacional de Energía Enex S. A., joining the Invexans portfolio at the beginning of the year. To promote its internationalisation, a corporate reorganisation is carried out.

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