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Who We Are

We are a company with a long history in industrial sectors. Our investments in Enex and Nexans reflect our mission to prospect and execute new investment opportunities, globally, through our office in London.


We continue to pursue its prospecting and management of businesses outside Chile, where the company aims to invest in line with the challenges of the global economy and the internationalisation strategy of its main shareholder, Quiñenco S.A. This includes its participation in the French multinational Nexans, and we have expanded our investment portfolio by incorporating the company Enex, a distributor of fuels and lubricants in Chile, the United States and Paraguay.

“Invexans’ mission is to invest in the world market in accordance with the challenges of the global economy and with the internationalisation strategy undertaken several years ago by our main shareholder, Quiñenco S.A.»

FRANCISCO PÉREZ MACKENNA. Chairman of the Board of Directors of Invexans Ltd.

What We Do

We explore, prospect and promote business opportunities globally. We create value and manage with excellence investments that contribute to the progress of our shareholders and to the development of the countries where we are present.


What We Envision

We want to be a driving force for Chilean investments worldwide and consolidate ourselves as the benchmark within the internationalisation strategy of our main shareholder, Quiñenco S.A.


We seek to be relevant players in the global market, staying true to our origins.

What Motivates Us

Connecting Chile with business opportunities beyond its borders.


What We Believe

We believe that facing our investment challenges in a responsible manner, always making the maximum effort possible, will allow us to achieve excellence in every decision we make.


Be respectful of people and our environment.
Act in an upstanding and transparent manner.
Be aware of the impact of our actions and decisions.

Always look for the best opportunities, without settling for what is easy.
Adapt to new challenges in a timely and successful way.
Build alliances that support long-term development.

Always striving to be the best in each task we undertake.
Be determined in innovation and in the search for the best results.
Having the right talent for each challenge.

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